Search Backyard Vineyards

Mixed Nosey Neighbour Case

Save when your purchase our exclusive Backyard Vineyards Mixed Nosey Neighbour case featuring a mix of our Nosey Neighbour White and Red VQA Wines, Social tasting for 4 people and a $5 off promo code to be used on one future purchase.

Our Mixed Nosey Neighbour case includes:

  • 6x Nosey Neighbour White
  • 6x Nosey Neighbour Red

Price: $180.00

Plus: $.10 X 12 Deposits | $18 PST | $9 GST

Regular: $221.40 + deposit and taxes --> Savings of over $40 + FREE Shipping anywhere in BC

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Rave Reviews

  • Beautiful location, friendly staff, amazing wines!
    - Winery Visitor (Google Reviews)

(604) 539-9463